Lloveras, Baur and Stevens

Engineering Excellence Since 1956

Mobile Home Park Maintenance Issues

There are hundreds of mobile home parks in Pinellas County, Pasco County and Hillsborough County. Over the years, our engineering firm has designed over 250 manufactured home communities throughout the west coast of Florida. As these mobile home parks get older, several common maintenance issues arise. Roadway and parking area deterioration, settlement of the ground in open areas, and water and sewer pipeline failures are generally the big three.

All asphalt roadways need to be periodically repaved, but there are issues within mobile home parks that make repaving a complicated job. Drainage problems due to deterioration of pipes, damage to roadway base in the inverted crown, and the need for milling near curbs and sidewalks make mobile home park roadway repaving different form most repaving jobs.

When many older mobile home parks were constructed, land clearing debris was typically buried in holes that were dug where the mobile homes were to be placed. The good dirt was dug out of the hole, the clearing debris was placed in the hole, and a small amount of dirt was placed on top. Over time, the debris decomposes, which creates a settlement area on the surface of the ground.

The pipe materials used in the 1960s and 1970s were not has robust as those used today. These older pipes deteriorate over time leading to water leaks and sewer failures. These deteriorated pipes need to be replaced with new pipelines in order to prevent further damage within the mobile home park.

Our firm can assist homeowners associations, resident owner associations, community managers and maintenance personnel in the proper resolutions for these and other mobile home park maintenance issues. If you have any questions, please contact one of the engineers in our Clearwater engineering firm at 727-784-3965.